Name:Talena Atfield Date of
birth: January 14, 1983 Star sign: Capricorn Siblings: Dan, younger brother Hair color: naturally brown,
but has been black, pink, blue, red, blonde, braided with muliticolour extentions and alot more
Eye color: blue Lives: London, Ontario, Canada Pets: Raja (cat) Piercings:
approximately 17 including several ear piercings, eyebrows, nose, monroe, lip, tongue, belly-button and I have heard a few
times she may have her nipples pierced. Tattoos: some where around nine, including stars on her ankles and wrist,
the eye of Horus on the back of her neck, a Chinese symbol on the back of her hand, a design on her stomach and a few others. Equipment:
Several different models of ESP-LTD and a BC Rich Custom Widow 5 string but that was taken away from her when she departed
from Kittie Plays: Guitar, bass, drums and sings Favourite foods: pizza and pasta Favourite
bands: Kiss, AC/DC, Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth, White Zombie, Slipknot, Tool, Crossbreed, Bon Jovi and Orgy Favourite
actor/actress: Johnny Depp and Fairuza Bbalk Fun facts:Talena is named after the Princess of Gor in a book series by John Norman that her father read
